What battery does my digital probe thermometer use?
It uses 1 LR44 or A76 1.5V Coin Cell battery.
How do I replace the battery in my digital probe thermometer?
Remove the 4 screws on the back, pull back cover off with the LCD facing up to prevent the 2 “button shaft pins” from falling out. Remove and replace then reassemble.
Why is my digital probe thermometer not turning on?
The battery is low – replace the battery. If this does not work call DeltaTrak Technical Support for assistance.
I believe my calibration is off – How can I check and/or adjust it?
It can be verified using crushed ice and water. If it has an “Cal” button it must be calibrated at “ice point” using the calibration procedure.
My 110xx probe thermometer only auto-calibrates to 31.8°F. Why doesn’t it calibrate to exactly 32.0°F?
The auto calibration function does not change the calibration if the thermometer is only off by ±.1°C (±.2°F). After calibrating the thermometer Auto Cal checks the reading and if it is not more than .3°C (.5°F) off from 0.0°C (32.0°F) calibration point then it returns to normal mode. This means that the thermometer is calibrated as close as it can be with Auto-Cal. ±.2°F is very accurate.
How do I use the Auto-Cal function to calibrate my 110xx probe thermometer?
- Fill a cup with crushed ice and then add water – mix thoroughly.
- Turn on the thermometer and set for C or F scale.
- Rotate pocket clip (if applicable) to expose “CAL” button.
- Place probe tip in center of cup making sure tip is fully submerged but not in contact with the cup surface. Stir for a minimum of 30 seconds.
- While keeping probe tip completely submerged, press and hold “CAL” button for 2 seconds until “CAL” appears on the LCD display, then release.
- After Calibration is complete, the display automatically returns to normal operation mode.
Why does my 110xx Auto-Cal Probe Thermometer shows an error during calibration and what can I do?
- If “Err 1” appears on the LCD display, first reading is greater than 35.6°F (2°C). To clear, shut off thermometer and start again.
- If “Err 2” appears on the LCD display, the average reading was outside the +/- 0.54°F (0.3°C) tolerance range. To clear, shut off the thermometer and start again.
What digital probe thermometer would I use for cooking thinner products like grilled meats?
The 11063 needle tip thermometer has the fastest response time and greatest accuracy when inserted only 1” into a product.
Can I calibrate my digital probe thermometer at other temperatures other than ice point (0.0°C, 32°F)?
All digital probe thermometers with “Cal” button must be calibrated at ice point and can only be verified at other temperatures.
My digital probe thermometer does not have an “Auto-Cal” button – how can I calibrate it?
It can be calibrated or verified using crushed ice and water unless you have a certified reference standard to calibrate at other temperatures. The center screw on the back of the thermometer must be removed and the unit calibration is adjusted using a very small jeweler’s screwdriver.
My digital probe thermometer is showing “—.-”, 888.8, shows a faded display, is locked at a temperature, the temperature is way off or will not turn off?
Try removing the battery and putting it back in to reset the thermometer. Also try replacing the battery. If this fails call DeltaTrak Technical Support for assistance.
Are your thermometers HACCP compliant?
Our thermometers are tools to assist you with HACCP compliance for monitoring critical control points within a properly developed HACCP plan. They meet requirements of the US FDA Food Code 2017. There is no official HACCP certification for thermometers and other equipment, it is the businesses which handle food that must be HACCP compliant.
What is HACCP compliance?
HACCP Compliance applies to businesses involved with any and every aspect of food handling. Facilities and companies should be certified as HACCP compliant. This certification recognizes that a food business has developed, documented and implemented systems and procedures in accordance with the seven principals of HACCP. Each business will have their own plan based on their specific operation. Certification is given by an external third party authority which has knowledge and skills required to assess the HACCP plan, and perform an on-site audit to determine that the plan is being properly implemented and followed within the facility.
Is the Lollipop thermometer the right product for measuring thin product like grilled meats.
For thinner products it is better to use a 11063 Digital Probe thermometer or Thermocouple with a needle type probe.
Why is my Lollipop thermometer not turning on?
The battery is low – replace the battery. If this does not work call DeltaTrak Technical Support for assistance.
How deep in the product should I insert the probe for greatest accuracy.
Insertion of at least 3” is recommended for greatest accuracy. The probe can be inserted less but the response time takes longer, more accuracy will be as the depth decreases. The type of material being measured – semisolids and liquids give a faster response time and will be more accurate. Also stirred or circulating fluids work the best. Generally, the greater the difference between the air temperature and the product being tested – the slower the response time and less accurate measurement. Deeper probe depth can help with this.
What battery does my digital probe thermometer use?
It uses 1 LR44 or A76 1.5V Coin Cell battery.
How do I replace the battery in my 11036 Lollipop thermometer?
Remove the 4 screws on the back, pull back cover off (newer models have smaller battery cover with 2 screws). Remove battery and replace then reassemble.
How do I replace the battery in my 11050 Lollipop thermometer?
Use a coin inserted in the slot on the back of the thermometer to turn the battery cover. Replace the battery and battery cover and tighten the battery cover.
My lollipop thermometer won’t turn off. What can I do?
Try removing the battery and replacing it to reset the thermometer.
I believe my calibration is off – how can I check and/or adjust it?
It can be verified using crushed ice and water. If it has an ‘Cal” button it must be calibrated at “ice point” using the calibration procedure.
Can I calibrate my “auto-cal” Lollipop probe thermometer at other temperatures other than ice point (0.0°C, 32°F)?
All Lollipop thermometers with “Cal” button must be calibrated at ice point and can only be verified at other temperatures.
My 11036 Lollipop thermometer does not have a “Cal” button – how can I calibrate it?
It must be calibrated with crushed ice and water unless you have a certified reference standard to calibrate at other temperatures. The center screw on the back of the thermometer must be removed and the unit calibration is adjusted using a very small jeweler’s screwdriver.
My Lollipop thermometer is showing “—.-”, 888.8, shows a faded display, is locked at a temperature, the temperature is way off or will not turn off?
Try removing the battery and putting it back in to reset the thermometer. Also try replacing the battery. If this fails call DeltaTrak Technical Support for assistance.
My Lollipop thermometer has moisture inside – can I fix it?
Once water is inside the unit it is unlikely that it will continue working. Even if it dries out the calibration may be affected or corrosion may form inside.
Is 10 seconds long enough for my Lollipop thermometer to get accurate readings?
No. Most cycles are 30 sec or you could run it 2 times for the test.
My Lollipop thermometer always displays the same reading?
The Min or Max reading is showing. Push the Min/Max button until they do not show.
The Min or Max reading is showing. Push the Min/Max button until they do not show.
The case is Polycarbonate ABS Plastic and the probe is 4.13” Stainless Steel.
Are your thermometers HACCP compliant?
Our thermometers are tools to assist you with HACCP compliance for monitoring critical control points within a properly developed HACCP plan. They meet requirements of the US FDA Food Code 2017. There is no official HACCP certification for thermometers and other equipment, it is the businesses which handle food that must be HACCP compliant.
What is HACCP compliance?
HACCP Compliance applies to businesses involved with any and every aspect of food handling. Facilities and companies should be certified as HACCP compliant. This certification recognizes that a food business has developed, documented and implemented systems and procedures in accordance with the seven principals of HACCP. Each business will have their own plan based on their specific operation. Certification is given by an external third party authority which has knowledge and skills required to assess the HACCP plan, and perform an on-site audit to determine that the plan is being properly implemented and followed within the facility.
Can I calibrate my 12207 Min/Max Alarm Digital Thermometer?
No. The product is not user-calibratable. The external probe can have the calibration verified at 0.0°C using crushed ice and water.
Why is the temperature not changing on my thermometer or the display is flashing?
The thermometer is in “Min/Max” or ”Alarm Set” mode. If the display is flashing press the “Alarm Set“ button until it stops flashing. If “Min” or “Max” is showing press the “Min/Max” button until neither show. It should now display the temperature.
Can I calibrate my 12213 or 12215 Certified Alarm Thermometer?
No. The product is not user-calibratable but comes with a NIST traceable Certificate of Calibration good for 1 year from the date of purchase.
Can I verify the calibration on my 12213, 12215 glycol bottle thermometers myself?
It is possible but without a circulating ice water bath it is difficult to maintain the stable temperature long enough due to the slower response time of the glycol bottle. In cases where the accuracy is in question it can be tested following the DeltaTrak approved procedure. It is better to purchase a new unit with a Certificate of Calibration if the product was purchased more than 1 year ago.
Should I send in my 12213 or 12215 Certified Alarm Thermometer for calibration each year?
No. It is better to purchase a new thermometer with a Certificate of Calibration and full year warranty for about the same cost as a calibration.
After 30 minutes of putting the glycol bottle from my 12213 or 12215 Certified Alarm Thermometer in my refrigerator is the temperature reading still above the actual refrigerator temperature?
The glycol bottle is designed for slower thermal response time so the temperature readings do not spike up when the door is opened and warm air enters. It can take an hour or 2 before the glycol in the bottle reaches the same temperature as the air in the refrigerator.
The temperature is reading way off on my 12213 or 12215 Certified Alarm Thermometer when the glycol bottle is in the refrigerator or freezer?
The thermometer is set to “In” (12213) or “Int” (12215) Internal Sensor and should be set to “Out” (12213) or “Ext” (12215) – the external sensor in the glycol bottle. Press the “Int/Ext” button until the display reads “Out” or “Ext”.
The alarm is not working on my thermometer?
Either the alarm is turned-off or the external sensor temperature is within the set alarm limits in the thermometer. Press the “Alarm Set” and verify the alarms are correct. Press the “Alarm Set” button until the display shows “AL” in the lower left corner.
Will the alarm settings work for the Internal Sensor also?
No. The alarms are only for the External Sensor.
What battery does my 12207 or 12213 digital thermometers use?
1 AAA 1.5 Volt battery.
What battery does my 12215 Certified Alarm Thermometer use?
1 CR2032 1.5 Volt Coin Cell battery.
Will the alarms drain the battery if the alarm is sounding too long?
Yes. Depending on the charge of the battery if the thermometer is in alarm for many hours the battery will eventually die and the unit stop working.
If the battery dies or is removed and replaced will the settings in the thermometer remain?
No. If the battery dies or is removed the Alarm settings will be lost and must be re-programmed.
I am with a blood bank and my IR thermometer shows the outside of my blood bag about 2°C higher than temperature I get with my probe type thermometer measuring the blood inside. What is causing this?
The thermometer only measures the temperature of the surface of the bag. This is OK if the bag is in the cold environment because the outside of the bag will be the same as the inside. But after a few minutes at room temperature the outside of the bag gets warmer – even though the blood inside is still cold. Mixing the blood in the bag before taking a reading will cool the outside some. The only way to prevent this is to cover the outside of the bag to insulate it from the warmer air. Then the IR temperature should be the same as the inside temperature.
Can I use the IR Thermometer to measure a screen or wire mesh?
The readings may not be accurate as the IR thermometer will be reading through the holes in the screen also. The larger the size of the mesh – the larger the error.
Can I use the IR Thermometer to measure a 2” diameter pipe?
The accuracy of the readings will be affected by the field of view. If the field of view for the IR thermometer is greater than the diameter of the pipe at that particular distance then the readings may not be accurate because the thermometer will be reading surfaces behind the pipe as well as the pipe. If you move the IR closer to the pipe until the diameter of the pipe if greater than the FOV then you will get accurate readings.
Why doesn’t the IR thermometer show the same room temperature readings as my wall thermostat?
The wall thermostat is showing the temperature where the sensor is located. If you can locate the sensor measure as close as possible to it. The IR Thermometer is measuring the surface temperature of the object you are pointing it at which may not be the same as the air temperature. If the air temperature changes objects with large masses will be slower to change. For example if the air temperature went from 32°F to 80°F after the sun came up, a rock would stay much colder than the air temperature.
Does DeltaTrak have an Infrared Thermometer that stores readings (logs data)?
Yes. The 15006 IR Thermometer can store up to 99 temperature readings.
What DeltaTrak handheld IR Thermometer has the best accuracy?
The 15006 has the best accuracy with a spec of ±1°C (1.8°F) from 0°C to 100°C (32°F to 212°F))
What DeltaTrak IR Thermometer would you use for production lines?
The 15021-15024 On-Line IR Thermometers. These models come with LCD displays and either milliamp or millivolt outputs to connect to external meters. They also come with 2 different Field of View options. One has a 33:1 ratio at all distances and the other has a crossing field of view that allows it to be only 6 mm at 200 mm. This allows it to measure a smaller diameter at that distance than any of the other models. All require an external power source.
Can I get my older 15005 IR Thermometer calibrated?
The 15005 was discontinued many years ago and the equipment to calibrate this model is no longer available. You can test the calibration using crushed ice and water. The calibration can only be verified by DeltaTrak and a Certificate of Calibration issued only if it is still in calibration specifications. If it is outside of calibration specifications after you perform the crushed ice and water test you need to purchase a newer unit such as the 15006.
What IR Thermometer is a suitable replacement for the discontinued 15005?
The model 15006 is the closest suitable replacement in specifications and operation.
What IR Thermometer is a suitable replacement for the 15002, 15003, 15030, 15031, 15028, 15029?
The 15036 is the closest suitable replacement in specifications and operation.
Can I get my 15002 or 15002 calibrated?
The 15002 and 15003 can be calibrated and certified for the normal fee. They require a 2 point calibration at 25°C and 363°C. These points are required to make the thermometer accurate throughout its range.
What does “Field of View” mean and how does it affect my readings.
“Field of View” is the area of a surface being measured by an IR Thermometer as a given distance. For example an IR with a field of View of 15:1 will read a 1” diameter area at a distance of 15”. A 30:1 IR would read a 1” diameter area at 30”. This ratio is proportional at greater distances also. This affects your reading if you are trying to measure an object smaller than your Field of View – the IR Thermometer will read temperatures behind the object also and get false or inaccurate readings.
What can I do if my 15036 or 15006 IR Thermometer is not reading accurately?
Try the following advice
- Check to see if the scale is correct – °C or °F.
- Make sure the temperature scale setting on the unit is set correctly. Check the emissivity setting (if applicable) Dark (.95) for most applications Bright (.70) for reflective metals.
- Make sure the diameter of the area you are measuring is smaller than the “Field of View” area for the model of thermometer and distance from the measured area.
- Allow 20 minutes for the internal thermometer temperature to stabilize to prevent thermal shock.
- Use crushed ice and water to verify the calibration accuracy.
What Is Thermal Shock and how does it affect my readings?
An IR Thermometer goes into thermal shock when readings are taken at the same time the thermometer is changing temperature internally. i.e. If you take an IR Thermometer from a 25°C room into a 0°C cooler, the thermometer will take accurate readings for about 10 seconds then go into thermal shock. When this happens the temperature readings will go lower and be less accurate until the IR Thermometer internal temperature stabilizes at the 0°C. The best way to prevent thermal shock is to take the reading immediately or allow at least 20 min for the unit to stabilize before taking a reading. Some models are more affected by this and protective covers can be purchased for some model to reduce this effect.
What is Emissivity and how does it affect my IR Thermometer readings?
Emissivity is a measurement of the amount of infrared light that is reflected and passes through an object. IR light passing through an object and reflected by an object creates inaccurate temperature readings as they do not reflect the actual temperature. The greatest reflectors of IR are shiny metallic surfaces like stainless steel and aluminum. These have an Emissivity rating of Bright (.70). Flat black objects reflect the least amount of IR so get the most accurate readings with an Emissivity setting of Dark (.95). Some IR Thermometers have adjustable Emissivity for greater accuracy with different materials.
What does “Field of View” mean and how does it affect my readings.
“Field of View” is the area of a surface being measured by an IR Thermometer as a given distance. For example an IR with a field of View of 15:1 will read a 1” diameter area at a distance of 15”. A 30:1 IR would read a 1” diameter area at 30”. This ratio is proportional at greater distances also.
This affects your reading if you are trying to measure an object smaller than your Field of View – the IR Thermometer will read temperatures behind the object also and get false or inaccurate readings.What battery do I use in my 15041 Gun Type IR Thermometer?
2 AAA 1.5V batteries.
What battery do I use in my ThermoTrace 15041 Gun Type IR Thermometer?
2 AAA 1.5V batteries.
What battery do I use in my ThermoTrace 15036 IR Thermometer?
2 AAA 1.5V batteries.
What battery do I use in my ThermoTrace 15006 IR Thermometer?
1 9V 6LR61 9V alkaline battery.
Why is the Laser is not showing when I take a measurement?
- The Model is not equipped with a laser.
- The Laser function is not selected.
- The battery is low and the laser is shut down automatically.
Can I calibrate my 13307 Thermo-Hygrometer?
No. The product is not end user calibratable.
Why is the temperature way off from what I expected?
The temperature display is set to the external probe and you want the internal sensor or vice versa. Press the “Int/Ext” button to correct.
Why is the temperature not changing?
The “Min” or “Max” reading is showing. Press the “Min/Max” button to set the display for real-time.
Why is the Thermo-Hygrometer showing “-.-“ for humidity?
The humidity went above the maximum range or dew point was reached and moisture formed on the sensor. Allow the unit to dry in a low humidity environment until it starts reading again. At very low humidity such as below 13% the unit will stop reading until the humidity rises. If the temperature goes below freezing (0.0°C, 32°F) the humidity will no longer be displayed until the temperature rises above freezing.
How long does it take for the Thermo-Hygrometer to stabilize before getting a stable reading?
It is a good idea to leave the unit in a stable environment for at least 30 minutes to get an accurate reading. This is dependent on the amount or temperature/humidity change and the air flow in the area.
What battery does my 13307 Thermo-Hygrometer use?
1 AAA 1.5 Volt battery.
Can I purchase a new external probe and cable from DeltaTrak?
No. this item is not sold separately.
Does the external sensor measure humidity?
No it only measures temperature.
Should I put my 13307 Thermo-Hygrometer in direct sunlight?
If placed in direct sunlight for prolonged periods the LCD display will darken and may not fully recover.
I put my 13307 Thermo-Hygrometer in a freezer and it no longer displays humidity or temperature – what happened?
At around -10°F the LCD will fade until the numbers can no longer be seen. This is inherent to LCD technology and the display will recover when it warms up. Try placing the base unit outside the freezer and the probe only inside.
Why is the Thermo-Hygrometer not showing humidity?
The humidity went above the maximum range or dew point was reached and moisture formed on the sensor. Allow the unit to dry in a low humidity environment until it starts reading again. At very low humidity the unit will stop reading until the humidity rises. If the temperature goes below freezing (0.0°C, 32°F) the humidity will no longer be displayed until the temperature rises above freezing.
Will the Pen Type Thermo-Hygrometer get accurate readings while clipped on my pocket?
There will always be moisture temperature from proximity to the body that will affect the accuracy of the Hygrometer. It is best to use it in an area with air circulation is away from the body.
What battery does my 13308 Pen Type Thermo-Hygrometer use?
1 AAA 1.5 Volt battery.
How long is the sensor cable?
It is a 6’ coiled cable.
Will the Chart Recorder run on batteries?
The primary power source is wall power but it will run on a 6 AAA battery backup for approximately 48 hrs.
Does it read Dew Point as well as Temp/Hum?
Yes. It reads Dew Point from 0°C to 50°C.
Will the Chart Recorder read humidity below 0.0°C?
No. It will only read above 0.0°C.
Can the probe cable be extended in length?
Yes the cable can be extended up to 26’ using 10’ lengths.
Why is my Chart Recorder reading inaccurate temperature or humidity on the chart but the LCD Display is good?
The accuracy of the pens must be adjusted periodically to match the LCD readings especially after replacing the pens as this stress can alter the calibration of the pen arms. Use the procedure in the user manual to adjust.
Why is the pen arm loose and the temperature or humidity way off from the LCD display?
It is possible the pen arm is loose on the shaft due to high stress possibly during pen or chart replacement. Write RGA.
My pen arm is not touching the chart – what can I do?
- The lift bar is up – holding the pen arm above the chart. Push down the lift bar.
- The arm is bent up from excess stress – possibly during pen or chart replacements. Write RGA.
How long is the sensor cable?
It is a 15’ cable.
Will the Chart Recorder run on batteries?
The primary power source is wall power but it will run on a 6 AAA battery backup for approximately 48 hrs.
Can the probe cable be extended in length?
Yes the cable can be extended up to 95’ using 10’ lengths.
Can I put the probe in water?
Although the probe is water-resistant it is not a good idea to immerse the probe above the strain relief because if moisture gets in the probe it can cause the probe to be inaccurate.
Can I use the probe for cool-down or cooking?
This product only measures up to 120°F. It is mainly designed for monitoring ambient temperature and refrigerated areas. Also moisture can enter the probe and higher cooking temperatures may melt the cable or strain relief.
Why is my Chart Recorder reading inaccurate temperatures on the chart but the LCD Display is good?
The accuracy of the pen must be adjusted periodically especially after replacing the pens as this stress can alter the calibration of the pen arms. Use the procedure in the user manual to adjust.
Why is the pen arm loose and the temperature way off from the one on the LCD display?
It is possible the pen arm is loose on the shaft due to high stress possibly during pen or chart replacement.
My pen arm is not touching the chart – what can I do?
The arm is bent up from excess stress – possibly during pen or chart replacements.
How do I start the chart recorder and know it is working.
- Fill out the Docking Ticket information.
- Open the sleeve and pull the Start Tab.
- Check clear window to see clock movement and listen for ticking.
- If moving and ticking OK to use. If there is no movement do not use.
What is the accuracy specification for my In-Transit Chart recorder?
The accuracy specification is ±1°C (1.8°F).
What time range of chart recorder should I use for my trip?
You should use a recorder that will record a long enough time for your longest trips so you do not run out of chart and have missing data. Also you should use a recorder that does not record too much longer than the trip or the resolution will not be good. For example, if you use a 90 Day recorder for a 1 day trip you will only have less than ½ inch of written data which is not good enough resolution to see temperature swings or time accuracy.
What temperature range of chart recorder should I use?
There are 3 ranges to choose from. Be sure the trip temperatures will be within the recorder range or the stylus will move to the top or bottom of the chart and stop – no longer showing the actual temperature.
What happens if the temperature goes outside the range of the chart recorder?
The stylus will stop at the edge of the range and write at the very top or bottom of the chart until the temperature is within the range then it will continue recording correctly. If the temperature goes below -40°C the chart recorder may stop moving the chart due to low battery voltage then restart when the temperature rises./h2>
What batteries are in the chart recorders?
Standard and High Range: AA Zinc Chloride. Low Range: AA Lithium
How can I dispose of my chart recorders?
The chart recorders have the batteries listed above and electronics in the clock motor. They are not recycled and should be disposed according to the regulation in your particular area.
Can the product be used more than once?
The product is for one time use only.
Does the product download data electronically to a computer?
No. The temperature information is stored on a 36’ long pressure sensitive chart that is written to by a stylus attached to a bi-metal coil. The receiver can view the data without use of any other equipment.
How do I remove the chart to see the temperature data?
This can be done with or without removing the cardboard sleeve. Pry the two pieces of plastic apart where you cut the silver tape and the door assembly will separate with the chart and spool attached. Remove the chart from the spool very carefully as it can create marks on it from scratches like carbon paper. The instructions are also printed on the sleeve of the recorder.
Does my chart recorder show the actual trip dates and times?
No. The recorder shows “Elapsed Time” after the Start Time when the tab was pulled and the time is hand written on the white paper Docking Ticket attached to the chart.
What are the “scribbled” marks around Elapsed Time 0 hrs?
These marks are created by stylus movement from impacts and vibrations to the recorder before it was started.
What is the horizontal line on the chart before Elapsed Time 0 hrs on the chart?
This is the Factory Test Area where the operation of the recorder is tested at the factory. It is not related to the trip data.
How do I read the chart?
The chart shows temperature on the vertical scale and elapsed time on the horizontal scale. Either use the scale at the top or bottom according to the model of the recorder. This is very important in getting the correct times in the data. To calculate time use the Start Time on the hand written Docking Ticket as the starting point at Elapsed Time 0 hrs and calculate all other time forward from that time.
Why is there not enough time on the chart for the length of the trip?
- You are reading the top time scale on the chart but the recorder model uses the bottom time scale.
- The pull tab is still in the recorder and it was not started.
- The clock motor is not moving or ticking so the unit stopped recording data.
- Contact DeltaTrak Technical Support for assistance.
Why are the temperature readings so far off from the expected trip temperatures?
You are reading the incorrect temperature scale on the chart – both °C and °F are shown. If this is not correct contact DeltaTrak Technical Support.
Should the chart recorder be returned to DeltaTrak after being used on a trip?
No. They are not recycled although they may be returned for a Post Trip Calibration Service, after contacting Technical Services for an RGA, if there was a temperature problem or claim on the load.
My chart recorder stopped working do I need a Post Trip Calibration?
DeltaTrak’s free Post Trip Calibration Service is for situations where the temperature of the load is in question, there is a claim on the load or the validity of the recorder’s calibration is in question. If the recorder did not start, stopped during the trip or had a malfunction not related to calibration the Post Trip is expensive and may be unnecessary. If a Post trip analysis is needed, contact DeltaTrak Technical Support.
Where are the standard temperature points a chart recorder Post Trip is performed at?
The 3 standard points are 25°C(77°F), 0.0°C(32°F) and -17.8°C(0°F). However other temperatures may be tested when necessary.
What is the shelf-life for my In-Transit Chart Recorder?
The shelf life 3 years. After 3 years the recorders may work but reliability will become an issue.
What time range of Environmental Temperature Chart Recorder should I use for my trip?
You should use a recorder that will record a long enough time for you longest trips so you do not run out of chart and have missing data. Also you should use a recorder that does not record too much longer than the trip or the resolution will not be good. For example, if you use a 62 Day recorder for a 1 day trip you will only have less than 1 inch of written data which is not good enough resolution to see temperature swings or time accuracy.
What temperature range of Environmental Temperature Chart Recorder should I use?
There are 2 ranges to choose from. Be sure the trip temperatures will be within the recorder range or the stylus will move to the top or bottom of the chart and stop – no longer showing the actual temperature.
What happens if the temperature goes outside the range of the chart recorder?
The stylus will stop at the edge of the range and write at the very top or bottom of the chart until the temperature is within the range then it will continue recording correctly. If the temperature goes below -40°C the chart recorder may stop moving the chart due to low battery voltage then restart when the temperature rises.
What batteries are in the chart recorders?
Standard and High Range: AAA Alkaline
Can the product be used more than once?
Yes. You can purchase more charts and reuse the unit as many times as needed.
I attached the chart to the spool but it does not move.
- The power switch is off (no LCD readout).
- The battery is low or is backwards – replace or check the battery position.
- The chart is not attached to the spool. Tip: Use a 1” piece of scotch tape to attach the chart to the spool to eliminate this problem.
- Either the drive motor gear or clutch in the barrel (spool) is slipping. Call DeltaTrak Technical Support for assistance.
How does PrimePro work?
PrimePro® is a polyethylene plastic film containing a proprietary additive. This additive is specially designed to remove ethylene from the air around fresh produce. As ethylene is removed, the process of ripening and decay can be slowed, dramatically extending the shelf life of fresh produce. PrimePro® is also a breathable plastic film, so it allows the right exchange of gases through the package to help prevent anaerobic bacterial infection. It’s important to note that – unlike other shelf life extension technologies – PrimePro®‘s shelf life extension effect does not depend on changing the levels of O2 and CO2 inside the package. This allows more forgiveness of breaks in the cold chain and allows some packages to be ventilated. It also allows for the creation of packages that can be shipped and stored at low temperatures and then merchandised in a grocery store at room temperature. Pallet covers are typically used for commodities like strawberries, where air circulation is not critical to shelf life of the produce. Different types of produce generate their own heat at different rates, through biological activity.
Will PrimePro trap moisture and increase condensation on the produce?
No. PrimePro has an anti-fog additive to reduce the build-up of condensation inside the package/carton. Pallet covers are not sealed, and therefore allow for some amount of air circulation, which also alleviates moisture build up. This is important because moisture is a potential source that leads to decay.
What are the effects of ethylene on produce?
It has been scientifically proven that exposure to ethylene shortens shelf life of fresh produce and flowers by speeding up the process of florescence (flowering, blooming), ripening and decay.- Increase in respiration
- Water loss
- Yellowing or spotting
- Production of more ethylene
- Accelerated ripening, ageing and decay
- Reduction in nutrient content (e.g. loss of vitamin C)
- Taste and aroma changes, off-flavours such as bitterness
- Loss of leaves and flowers, sprouting, toughening
Is this product reusable?
How long can PrimePro EAP extend product shelf life?
It depends on the type of product. We can’t put a specific time that it extends shelf life since it is very different for many types of produce, some products even up to a year (e.g. pears). As another example, with strawberries, it extends shelf life only by a few days – but for strawberries, these few days is critical and worth a lot of money to the grower/shipper.
What quality parameters does PrimePro help to improve?
Maintenance of produce quality is important all the way along the distribution chain from grower to consumer – reducing losses from rotting and spoilage as well as water loss. Other quality issues which are affected by ethylene or condensation – both of which are controlled by PrimePro.
What happens if my PrimePro pallet cover tears or has a hole in it?
This will not affect the performance of PrimePro. There is no need to seal it around the base of the pallet, and no use of gases like the process used for modified atmosphere packaging.
What is the shelf-life of un-used PrimePro?
We recommend 1 year as a suggested shelf life for PrimePro®. It should be stored in its original cartons in a cool, dry place. If the carton has been opened, the carton liner should be folded over tightly and the carton re-sealed. Yellowing or other changes in the appearance of the film indicates that storage conditions may not have been correct. We recommend the customer discard the product and replace with new product.
How many ethylene absorbers do I need for my application?
The amount is calculated with a formula using the type of product (fruit/vegetable) multiplied by the weight of the product multiplied by the number of days the product is stored. See guidelines under the “Specifications” and “User Guide” tabs above.
Does it make a difference if I use absorber blankets or tubes.
If they have the same number they will absorb the same amount of ethylene. The shape of the product is for particular applications. For example, a blanket will work well in a ventilation system with the air passing through it whereas packets can be placed in various locations within the storage area.
Will Ethylene absorbers remove other materials from the air?
Yes, the Ethylene Absorbers will also remove exhaust fumes and tobacco smoke.
What software do I use to program and download my FlashLink Data Loggers?
FlashLink Program Manager or USB Program Manager.
I was using the 20269 Pro Series Data Logger. Can I replace mine or buy more?
The 20269 data logger was discontinued several years ago. It was replaced with the 20902 USB data logger. There are some differences. The 20902 has a shorter straight 4” probes, smaller body dimensions and a maximum high reading temperature of 185°F (85°). This may make it not suitable for some cooking applications. It requires either the FlashLink USB Program Manager Software or FlashPDF Program Manager Software to program the loggers. The USB Program Manager is compatible with both FlashLink and USB data loggers. FlahPDF is compatible with only the USB data loggers and cannot be running at the same time as any other software. We have no other loggers at this time to replace the 20269.
What type of battery does my data logger use?
The FlashLink Data Logger uses 1 CR2450 3V lithium coin cell battery.
How do I replace my battery?
Remove the 4 screws on the back and remove the cover but be careful not to break the battery wires. Remove the old battery and replace it with a new one. Be sure it faces in the same direction.
I replaced my battery now the data logger is not communicating with the computer?
The logger may be electronically latched. You must open the logger, remove the battery and re-insert it upside-down (reverse polarity), then remove and re-insert it normally. The Red and Green LEDs should flash when you insert the battery showing a reset. You may have to do this several times to reset the logger.
Why have my data loggers stopped communicating with the computer while using a FlashLink – USB Adapter?
Whenever there is a communication error always disconnect the logger, then the USB adapter and reconnect it to reset it. If that does not work try closing the program and restarting it, check that you have the correct USB port selected in Customize/Setports. If you still have problems contact DeltaTrak Technical Support
Why does my FlashLink data logger show “Corrupt Configuration” or “Subscript out of Range” when I try to download or program it. What can I do?
Try replacing the battery and reversing the battery to reset the logger.
Why does my FlashLink data logger show “EPROM Error” when I try to download or program it. What can I do?
Check the download connector for bent, pushed in or missing pins.
Why do I have 1 data logger that is not downloading or programming but my others are?
- The logger is electronically latched. Try using the battery reversing technique above.
- The logger has a low battery. Replace the battery.
- The logger has a bent, broken or pushed in pin on the download connector.
My data logger was working fine but will not communicate with the computer now?
- The logger may have temporarily latched when you connected it to the computer. If you leave it connected for 5 min and try again it may download correctly.
- The logger may have a low battery.
Why am I getting “spikes” and “out of range” readings in my downloaded data from only 1 data logger. Others are working fine.
- You are likely getting a communication error – possibly due to a low battery. Replace the battery.
- If you have an external sensor the cable may have a bad connection. Contact DeltaTrak Technical Support.
Why am I getting a “Critical Error” when I try to print?
The program does not always sync the first time with some printers. If you try printing a second time it should print.
What software driver do I need for my FlashLink Adapter?
- FlashLink-USB Adapters Driver
- USB-Serial Cable Adapter Driver
- Parallel and Serial Port Adapters do not require a software driver.
Why after installing the software do I get a ‘Geoflash.dll” error when attempting to download a data logger?
The error is related to a driver for the Parallel Port. If you are using a USB Adapter it will not be a problem. If using the parallel port you will need admin rights for the computer or purchase a USB Adapter.
Why is my FlashLink Pro Data logger showing 88.88 on the display?
Some versions of the factory programming for these loggers will show 88.88 when they are in Manual Start Waiting. They should resume displaying data when logging is started. If the logger does not recover after manually starting logging it is likely latched. Try reversing the battery to reset it.
What software do I use to program and download my data loggers?
USB Program Manager or FlashPDF Program Manager.
What type of battery does my Reusable Data Logger use?
1 CR2032 3V lithium coin cell battery.
How do I replace my battery?
Remove the small screw from the back of the logger, tap the logger on a table until the battery falls out, insert the new battery and replace the cover.
Why is my data logger not showing anything on the display?
- The battery is low. Replace the battery.
- The logger is in Hibernation. Press and hold the Start button until the display appears.
Why can’t I program or download any of my data loggers?
- The software is not configured to use the USB port (except FlashPDF)
- You have more than 1 DeltaTrak program running at the same time i.e. USB Program Manager and FlashPDF.
Why can’t I program or download a particular data logger. Other loggers work fine?
- The battery is low. Replace the battery.
- The logger is in Hibernation. Press and hold the Start button until the display appears.
What does it mean when there is a small moon symbol on the LCD?
The logger is in Manual Start Waiting mode. Press the Start button to begin logging data.
Why does my data logger show temperatures immediately after programming?
It was programmed for immediate start. Program for Manual Start to start with the button or Delay Start to delay the start.
Why is my 20902 or 20903 not reading up above 185°F (85°C) when I am doing cool-down for my Brisket or Beef Roast?
The 20092 or 20903 do not read temperatures above 185°F (85°C) – unlike the older FlashLink data loggers with external probes.
Can I calibrate my 20902 or 20903 at 212°F using boiling water.
No. The 20092 or 20903 do not read temperatures above 185°F (85°C) – unlike the older FlashLink data loggers with external probes.
Why after installing the software do I get a driver installation error when installing the USB Program Manager on a Windows 7 64 bit System?
The error is related to a driver for the Parallel Port. For the USB logger it will not be a problem. You should be able to just ignore the error and install the software.
How do you reset the 40527 data logger?
Hold both the start and stop button together until you see a Moon icon which indicates waiting mode.
Why will my 40527 data logger not reset?
The logger cannot be reset when the unit is actively recording. You must first stop the unit to then reset it. It is recommended to download your data before resetting the unit.
How do you change the alarm limits on the 40527 data logger?
Using FlashPDF Program Manager you can change the alarm limits by going through the “Setup” wizard. Please refer to FlashPDF Program Manager Help files for more information. The Help system can be accessed by a single right click on the FlashPDF lightning bolt icon in the system tray and selecting “About” from the pull down menu. Refer to the FlashPDF Program Manager FAQ (under the FAQ “Software” section) for more help.
I accidentally restarted my logger without saving the PDF report, how do I recover the report?closed
- If you downloaded the logger using FlashPDF software the PDF report will have been saved automatically by the FlashPDF software. The file is typically found in ‘My Documents\FlashPDF\PDF\” although you can change this path in the FlashPDF settings.
- If you did not download using FlashPDF software then the previous report will no longer be accessible. It is important to save the PDF file before restarting for another use.
I lost my calibration certificate, can I get a copy?
Yes; we can send an electronic version in PDF format if you provide us your email. Please contact [email protected] for assistance.
Is there a user manual for the 40527?
Yes, please contact tech support at [email protected] and we can email you a copy of the quick start guide.
My logger is showing error code X, what does this error mean?
- Error 1 – Logger memory is corrupted, please contact tech support for assistance
- Error 2 – Logger configuration is corrupted, please contact tech support for assistance
- LLLL – The glycol bottle is disconnected or the temperature is below -50C (-58F), after the Bottle is reconnected the unit may take until the logging interval to update the LCD (for most loggers this is 5 minutes)
- HHHH – The temperature is above 40C (104F) or the sensor has a short
My logger arrived with fluid around the bottle and packaging, is it leaking?
If the logger is found wet in the original packaging please contact [email protected] or call us at 1-800-962-6776 ext 5120 and we will assist you in getting the logger returned and replaced. The glycol liquid found in the bottle is food-safe and not hazardous; however the bottle should not leak and maintain an appropriate amount of glycol to perform correctly. The glycol bottle is supposed to be around 90% filled and it is normal to have an air bubble at the top of the unit.
My logger LCD is not changing temperature or is reading LLLL?
If the logger is displaying LLLL the Glycol Sensor may be disconnected. Please reconnect the sensor and wait 5 minutes to verify the LCD updates. Most loggers are set to only update the LCD on each logging interval; this is to save battery life for the logger. The most common logging interval is 5 minutes. Please wait for the logging period and check the display again for a reading change (if the sensor environment does not change then it is likely the sensor will continue to record the same temperature). You can change the logging interval or the LCD refresh rate by using FlashPDF Program Manager Software; however this will affect battery life.
How long is the shelf life after I activate the label?
If an activated label is kept below its threshold temperature, it will maintain a 2-year shelf life.
Where can I find instructions on how to activate the TempDot Plus label?
Activation instructions are on the product package and also on the product specification sheets which can be found on our website
What should I do if I press the activation button and the word “ON” does not appear in the activation window?
Ensure the label is activated in an environment above threshold temperature. Press the activation button again to make sure all the dye has been released from the blister. Wait a few minutes and if the word “ON” still does not appear, discard the label and do not use it.
What should I do if more than 5 minutes have passed after activation and I haven’t put the label in an environment below its threshold?
The run out process will start and there might be colored dye starting to show in the large, white indicator window. The blue dye must solidify to stop further progression across the white indicator window, so the label must immediately be placed at or below the stop temperature which is listed in the activation instructions on the product specification sheet.
What is the difference between threshold temperature and stop temperature?
Threshold temperature is the temperature at which the colored dye melts and starts migrating across the white indicator window to track accumulated temperature above the stated threshold. Stop temperature is the temperature at which the colored dye solidifies and stops migrating across the white indicator window.
Why is stop temperature lower than threshold temperature?
Freezing point of a liquid is always lower than its melting point. Freezing occurs when the first crystals form, which is typically at a temperature lower than its melting point, therefore the ‘stopping point’ (stop temperature) is lower than the precise ‘starting point’ (threshold temperature). TempDot Plus works by diffusion of liquids across a porous membrane, which is the white indicator strip visible in the large window. The behavior of the liquid within this membrane, and all relevant factors are taken into account when the threshold temperatures and stop temperatures were defined for each model.
Why is ‘Stop Temperature’ important?
Activation of the TempDot Plus label must be done when the colored dye is in liquid form in order to get positive confirmation that it was successfully activated. After the word “ON” appears in the activation window, the label must be placed at or below the designated stop temperature to keep the dye from migrating to the indicator window. After the dye is solidified, the label can be applied to a product or package above stop temperature and below the threshold temperature, and should stay in a controlled environment that is also below threshold temperature.
Can I activate labels above their response temperature and immediately store them below stop temperature so that I can apply to products later, as needed?
Yes, as long as the place of storage is at or below the stop temperature of the particular model. This is actually how some customers are using TempDot Plus. Activate the labels according to instructions (see product package or specification sheet), when the word ‘ON’ appears in the activation window, immediately place them in storage below threshold temp. When ready to send a product through the supply chain, apply the TempDot Plus to product that has already been pre-cooled, packaged, and held in a temperature controlled environment below threshold. Every time the label is exposed above its stated threshold temperature, the dye will melt and migrate across the white indicator window to show the amount of accumulated time above threshold in Degree*Hours.
What happens if I apply an activated label to product or package that has not been pre-cooled?
If you apply a label to a product that is not yet pre-cooled and then place it in a temperature controlled environment, then the temperature of the surface to which you have adhered the label can affect its response. In other words, the product is going from room temperature to a lower temperature it still needs time to acclimate to the controlled environment. This can cause the label to start indicating temperature abuse if the temp of the surface it is touching is above the threshold of the label.
Does it matter what angle the label is applied to a surface, or the orientation of the surface where the label is applied?
TempDot Plus labels are not affected by gravity and can work in any position. The label or the surface they are adhered to can be oriented horizontally, vertically, face up or face down.
The label has a stated time accuracy ±15%, can you give an example?
For 2 hours of elapsed time this means an accuracy of ±18 minutes under isothermal conditions. So it could be within 1 hour and 42 minutes or 2 hours and 18 minutes. This accuracy is better than most other products on the market, which usually measure time accuracy by the distance the colored dye travels along the indicator strip (e.g. most other products are ±9% of distance which equals accuracy of 18% to 20% on time). TempDot Plus gives a much more accurate time monitor than other labels on the market.
What are isothermal conditions?
Most standard TempDot Models have the activation blister on the front, top of the label, directly above the activation window. Model 51053 has a much longer run out time as compared to other models, so it requires a longer progress indication window to accommodate the time markers showing accumulated temperature abuse from 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, and up to 48 hours. The activation button is located on the back of the label in order to make room for this.
How long is the shelf life if the label has not been activated?
If the label has been kept at the recommended storage conditions, it will maintain a 1-year shelf life.
What is the useful life after the label is activated?
The label will work effectively for up to 3 years after activation (after the START tab is pulled). Immediately prior to activation and usage, the label must be stored at 6°F / 3°C below threshold temperature for at least 2 hours.
What are the recommended storage conditions?
The recommended storage environment to ensure best performance and longest shelf life are:- 6°F / 3°C below threshold temperature
- Between 20-60% relative humidity
- Kept away from heat sources
What are the recommended shipping conditions?
The label can be shipped or kept at room temperature for a period of up to several days without impact on performance. Immediately prior to activation and usage, the label must be stored at 6°F / 3°C below threshold temperature for at least 2 hours.
My CT Graphics printer does not power up – it is dead. What can I do?
Follow the steps below to troubleshoot the problem.
- Make sure the power supply is connected to the computer and plugged onto the wall.
- Try the printer with another power supply (if possible). Try the power supply from another printer (if possible).
- Check the power supply for 9V with a voltmeter (if possible). If it is bad write RGA to send new power supply (advance ship if authorized)
- Write an RGA for printer and power supply.
My CT Graphics printer powers up but will not print. What do I do?
Follow the steps below
- Try downloading a different logger.
- Try removing the download extension cable and connecting the CT-Printer adapter directly to the printer (if applicable).
- Try a different CT-Printer adapter (if possible). If other adapter works write RGA for cable and adapter.
I am with WalMart and my printer is not working? What can I do?
Perform the diagnostics above. If the issue is not resolved, contact DeltaTrak Technical Support.
Why does my FlashPDF software ask for a serial number when I am installing it?
FlashPDF Program Manager must be purchased. You must contact sales to purchase a license (serial) number before installing it.
Can I install it on more than 1 computer at a time?
No. The license is only good for 1 computer at a time.
Can I run this program at the same time as ColdTrak Mgr, In-Transit FlashLink or USB Program Manager Software?
No. There will be a port access conflict and it is likely the other programs will not access loggers.
I have a new install and it is not accessing a logger. The FlashPDF icon is visible in the task tray but nothing happens when I connect a logger, no setup option appears when icon is right click on the FlashPDF icon?
The USB Driver did not install properly.
- Make sure the user has Admin privileges when they install the program.
- Try re-installing the driver from Software and Drivers
Why is the PDF file not opening when I download a logger?
PDF reader is not installed correctly
- Install the latest version of Adobe Reader
- There is a second .PDF program running such as Adobe Acrobat that is conflicting with Reader. Try uninstalling Adobe Acrobat, installing Adobe Reader then downloading.
Why does it show a warning that my PDF may not display the Unicode characters correctly and some characters do not look right when it opens?
The program is using a version of Adobe older than 7.0. Older versions of Adobe do not support the UNICODE characters used for some of the foreign languages available in FlashPDF. Download the newest version of Adobe Reader from www.adobe.com
I can download a logger but when I right click on the FlashPDF icon in the tool tray the “Setup” option is grayed out and I can’t select it.
- The logger is a In-Transit (Single Use) model a) Verify the model # of the logger.
- The logger configuration is corrupted. a) Try to program another reusable logger. If you can program other loggers then the logger must be returned for repair or replacement.
Is there a user’s manual for this software?
FlashPDF has an integrated help file.
- Right click on the FlashPDF icon in the tool tray, click on ‘About” then “Click here for help”. The extensive FlashPDF Help section will open. Click on “Getting Started”.
- Press F1 from any screen and you will get help on that topic
Do I need a license to install this software?
No the software is free. However you will need a CT-USB Adapter to download the FlashLink CT, VU or Mini data loggers. The USB data loggers do not require an Adapter.
Will the software work with other DeltaTrak Software?
You cannot run FlashPDF at the same time as ColdTrak Manager or Tag-IT software. It can be installed but not running or it will conflict with the other software for the port and since FlashPDF starts automatically the user may not know it’s running.
My IT person installed the FlashPDF Software on my computer but when I log on and try to download a logger I get access permissions errors, access denied or no error but no PDF pops up?
Since the IT person installed using their log on to install the software the program was automatically set to put the PDF and other filed in their “Documents” folder. Other users may not have access permissions for that folder.- Right click on the FlashPDF icon and select Options > Storage then Browse to your “Documents” folder then select “Make New Folder”. Name it FlashPDF, select it the select OK then OK. The data should now go to the correct folder.
Why are my files not being sent to ColdTrak Data Central Website but the logger is downloading and displaying the PDF?
ColdTrak Option is not enabled or Account Number is missing or incorrect- Right click on FlashPDF icon and choose Options > ColdTrak Options and verify the Enabled box is checked and the users ColdTrak Account # is entered correctly. Click on Test Connection. It should say “Connected to ColdTrak” If it does not then there may be a local network restriction of security setting preventing sending the data.
- You may need to get their IT dept to help making the connection to ColdTrak. You can tell them the program is connecting to ctlink.coldtrak.com on port 80
Why is my downloaded data not showing Pass or Fail and the preset test and alarm settings are not correct for my products?
There are several possible reasons.- You did not select the correct product when downloading the data. Download again using the correct product.
- Close FlashPDF and reopen it. It will say “Synchronizing with ColdTrak” while it synchronizes the product list from the companies ColdTrak account.
- The computer is not communicating with the ColdTrak Server. Click on Test Connection. It should say “Connected to ColdTrak” If it does not then there may be a local network restriction of security setting preventing sending the data.
- You may need to get their IT dept to help making the connection to ColdTrak. You can tell them the program is connecting to ctlink.coldtrak.com on port 80
I have data files that did not upload to the ColdTrak Website due to a problem that is fixed. How to I send them now?
They can be sent in 2 ways.- Download the loggers again.
- Right click on the FlashPDF Icon in the tool tray and select ColdTrak Processing.
- Select the product, navigate to and add the files you want to send then click Send.
Why after I installed my ColdTrak Manager software and download a logger is it not connecting to the website and uploading the data?
You must have a license file installed and the ColdTrak server options enabled- Copy the license file “FLDM.LIC” into the C:\ColdTrak folder. This file is given after a license has been purchased from DeltaTrak. Contact DeltaTrak sales for information.
- In Program Options > System > Options the “Auto send to server” must be selected (checked).
- There may be a firewall setting that is blocking the connection to the ColdTrak server. You may need to get their IT dept involved. You can tell them the program is trying to send the data via FTP to coldtrak.com on port 21.
Why do I not have the products for my Company listed in the Product drop down list in my ColdTrak Manager software?
The prodruct criteria must be entered manually or downloaded from the ColdTRAK website and imported into your desktop software. To import the product list from the ColdTrak server- First log into your ColdTrak account then click on Admin > Analysis > Export
- Save the text file “Export.txt” to your C:\ColdTrak folder
- Open ColdTrak Manager and go to Program Options > Data Analysis and click on Import.
- Select the file Export.txt and click Open.
- Click Save
- Go to Program Options > Data Analysis
- Click on Add and enter you product settings then click Save
Why do I get an Error for RDInstall.exe during the Installation on my Windows 7 64 bit machine
This is the parallel port driver for the old FlashLink drivers. It is not compatible with 64-bit operating systems.- You can ignore this error and the installation will continue.
- If you are using old FlashLink logger you will need to use a FlashLink USB adapter
What does the Total Area or Degree Minutes mean?
Degree Minutes is an accumulative calculation based on the degrees in alarm X the minutes in alarm. This is used as a shelf life indicator. The reason it is called Total Area is because it represents the total area on the graph that the logger was in alarm.
How can I export my data to a spreadsheet and open it is Excel?
From the Program Manager Data Window select File then Save As Delimited then open the file in Excel – clicking OK to each prompt.
How can I copy the Graph to another document?
You can copy the Graph as an image and paste it into another program- From the Graph screen select Edit then Copy as a Bitmap. The graph is then copied into the Clipboard memory.
- Then just open the program you want to copy the graph to, right click in the document and select Paste. The Graph will be pasted in as a resizable image.
Why does my FlashLink Program Manager ask for a serial number when I am installing it?
FlashLink Program Manager must be purchased. The Program Manager is designed with the option for programming reusable data loggers. You must contact sales to purchase a license (serial) number before installing it.
Why do I get an Error for RDInstall.exe during the Installation on my Windows 7 64 bit machine
This is the parallel port driver for the old FlashLink drivers. It is not compatible with 64-bit operating systems.- You can ignore this error and the installation will continue.
- If you are using old FlashLink logger you will need to use a FlashLink USB adapter
Can I install it on more than 1 Computer at a time?
No. The license is only good for 1 computer at a time.
I have a new install and it is not accessing my logger.
The port settings are not configured correctly- If you are using an older FlashLink logger and connecting directly to the 25 pin parallel port (Note: The parallel download will only work on LPT1)
- Click on Customize > Set Port and check Enable LPT1:
- Click OK
- If you are using a FlashLink USB or CT USB Adapter
- Connect the adapter
- Go to the Device Manager and verify the COM port # the adapter is on
- Open Program Manager and click on Customize > Set Port
- Check Enable Serial Port then select the COM port 3 from the list
- Click OK
- If you are using a FlashLink USB Logger
- Connect the logger
- Open Program Manager and click on Customize > Set Port
- Check Enable USB Port
- Click OK
Can I install the software correctly with my user rights.
It is recommended and usually necessary to be logged on with full Administrative Rights when installing our software since there is so many settings for Networks, Antivirus and other Windows access and security.
How do I know my USB adapter is installed on my computer in Windows 7 and verify the port number?
Method 1:- Left click on Start (Windows Ball icon in lower left of screen)
- Type in the word Device in the “Search Programs and Files” box
- Select Device Manager
- Select Ports Com and LPT
- Verify USB Serial Port id present and the port number
- Select Control Panel
- Select System and Security
- Select System
- Select Device Manager
- Select Ports Com and LPT
- Verify USB Serial Port id present and the port number