Divine Flavor’s Proactive Approach to COVID-19 Provides a Model for Produce Industry

A recent article in “The Produce News” describes how Divine Flavor, one of the largest produce distribution companies in the city of Nogales, Arizona, has responded to the COVID-19 situation. When an affiliate company experienced its first positive COVID-19 cases, Divine Flavor responded quickly and has since served as a model in dealing with the pandemic for other companies in the produce industry.
Immediately after experiencing these COVID-19 cases, Divine has taken very proactive steps to ensure worker safety. First, the company has paid for all of its employees, including management, to be sent to testing clinics in Nogales and Tucson. Next, Divine asked all of its employees that worked closely with those who tested positive to self-quarantine—even if they tested negative for the disease. These swift actions essentially enabled the company to prevent the virus from spreading to other departments.
Divine Flavor is continuing its preventative measures including temperature screenings such as by using a forehead thermometer before entering the work premises, increased sanitation procedures, and stay-at-home guidelines for those experiencing Coronavirus symptoms.
In addition to taking the preventative steps, the company is keeping its knowledge current by working with the local health department and reviewing health guidelines. Indeed, Divine’s communication with multiple local health agencies has kept them fully aware of COVID-19 protocols and actions. Today, the company believes it has one of the safest establishments in Nogales.
One of the clear takeaways from the COVID-19 pandemic is that no community is immune from the virus and that proactive steps are key in keeping employees safe.