Ensuring Your COVID-19 Vaccines Are Monitored Even at Ultra-Low Temperatures

In the world of monitoring coronavirus vaccines during storage and handling, there are three general temperature profiles. These profiles include refrigerated 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F), frozen -25°C to -15°C (-13°F to 5°F), and ultra-low temperature -80°C to -60°C (-112°F to -76°F). A data logger is used to provide complete monitoring and a record of temperatures of which vaccines have been exposed. The logger enables you to ensure that your vaccines’ potency is preserved and that they have not experienced any temperature excursions.
DeltaTrak has developed a logger that supports storage under all three temperature profiles for all types of vaccines. Indeed, the logger has been purpose-built to monitor vaccines in ultra-low temperature freezers or packed with dry ice for temporary storage in thermal shippers. The FlashLink Certified Vaccine ULT PDF Data Logger records temperatures from -82°C to 45°C (-115.6°F to 113°F). Therefore, the Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, and even the Pfizer vaccines that require the lowest temperatures will all be monitored.
The 40570 and 40570-01 FlashLink Certified Vaccine ULT PDF Data Loggers are compatible with CDC guidelines and include an external temperature sensor (probe). The loggers include a built-in USB connector and automatically generate PDF, CSV and daily log reports. You can quickly disconnect to download the logger data without removing the sensor. Alternatively, you can upload to the cloud for analysis and data sharing. The loggers also feature low and high alarms with an audible buzzer and flashing red LED. The 40570 includes a Manufacturer’s Certificate of Compliance while the 40570-01 includes a 2-year ISO 17025 Calibration Certificate.
Ultimately, proper temperature management of vaccines is essential to ensure their efficacy is not jeopardized. Reusable temperature monitors such as the 40570 loggers track conditions which vaccines are exposed to and provide alerts when they have been subjected to conditions outside their required temperature range. Continuous monitoring ensures the correct temperature is maintained until the last dose is administered and prevents clinicians from using compromised drugs which may not protect patients from contracting the COVID-19 virus.