
Extreme Environments--No Problem with DeltaTrak's USB PDF -80°C In-Transit Loggers | DeltaTrak
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Extreme Environments--No Problem with DeltaTrak's USB PDF -80°C In-Transit Loggers

Extreme shipment conditions and temperatures require “extreme” monitoring products. Dry ice is commonly used for shipments such as industrial commodities and biological substances in order to provide a very cold shipping container environment.

In order to effectively monitor such shipments to guarantee that the low temperature has been maintained, shippers need loggers that can withstand these extreme conditions. Fortunately, DeltaTrak has the logger: the FlashLink® USB PDF -80°C In-Transit Logger. This logger has been purpose-built and tested to survive in extreme conditions. The logger’s -80°C temperature rating makes it the ideal product for monitoring the transport of Time and Temperature Sensitive (TATS) commodities such as carbon fiber prepreg, which are typically shipped with dry ice in order to keep them frozen.

DeltaTrak’s USB PDF -80°C In-Transit Logger is a true plug-and-play device with a built-in USB and on-board software to automatically download trip reports. No separate software is required. This logger also features a unique patented Shadow Log® feature that will record temperatures for your trip–even if you forget to start the logger!


Industrial Team

The Industrial Team focuses on the temperature measurement and monitoring of high-value industrial and aerospace materials and facilities.


Extreme Environments--No Problem with DeltaTrak's USB PDF -80°C In-Transit Loggers | DeltaTrak