
House Passes Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021 | DeltaTrak
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House Passes Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021

On December 8th, H.R. 4996-Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021 easily passed in the House of Representatives on by a vote of 364 to 60. The Act is designed to strengthen the overseas supply chain, support the growth of U.S. exports and eliminate unfair business practices. If this Act becomes law, it will help to ensure that ocean carriers no longer refuse cargo bookings for U.S. exports and that shipping carriers and marine terminal operators certify that any shipping container late fees are fair and comply with federal regulations.

Many agricultural, produce and retail groups have endorsed the legislation including:

  • Agriculture Transportation Coalition
  • American Farm Bureau Federation
  • National Retail Federation
  • American Trucking Associations
  • Agricultural & Food Transporters Conference
  • National Association of State Departments of Agriculture
  • National Council of Farmer Cooperatives
  • National Onion Association
  • Truckload Carriers Association
  • United Fresh Produce Association
  • California Farm Bureau Federation
  • California Citrus Mutual
  • California Fresh Fruit Association
  • California Table Grape Commission
  • Western Growers Association

This new Act illustrates how it is more important than ever for shippers to know the location and condition of their shipments. DeltaTrak’s FlashLink Real-Time Prime In-Transit Loggers (RTLs) monitor and report temperature, location and other factors during the transport of perishable temperature-sensitive products. For every load these FlashLink RTLs are placed on, shippers are able to track deliveries using the FlashTrak cloud-based service to see real-time location information and conditions in a shipping container, truck, or airplane.

Maritime Service has just been released and has been integrated with FlashTrak to provide container location visibility and ETA to further empower customers with the information they need—even when the shipment is on the ocean.

You can read a summary of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021.


Jim Krachenfels

As a member of DeltaTrak’s marketing team, Jim has been a prominent blogger on DeltaTrak’s product line and cold chain. He has extensive experience in technology marketing and an MBA in marketing.


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House Passes Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021 | DeltaTrak