The New FlashLink In-Transit RTL Mini Logger -- The latest in Real-Time Temperature, Humidity and Location Logging

You have an important shipment and both you and the receiver need to know where it is and whether it’s in good condition. If there are any temperature excursions, you want to know right away so that you can take immediate action. How can you monitor both the temperature and location in real-time?
One of DeltaTrak’s FlashLink In-Transit RTL Mini Loggers could be your solution. Both the 15-day and 60-day models include a built-in GSM chip to provide not only real-time temperature and humidity but also location data during the trip. All of this data is available in real-time to the shipper throughout the trip on any computing device with Internet access. Real-time trip data is stored and immediately available to you via a cloud-based service. There is no need to physically open vehicle doors to access the information.
Did you also realize that the FlashLink In-Transit RTL Mini is included in DeltaTrak’s GoGreen Recycling Program? This means that after the logger has provided you with the trip report, you can return it to DeltaTrak, and we’ll handle the e-waste.