Visit DeltaTrak at the BIO 2019 International Convention and Demo the Latest Temperature Monitoring Products for Vaccines and Drugs

DeltaTrak will be exhibiting at the BIO International Convention in Philadelphia, June 4-6. Come by and visit us in Hall E, Booth 3415 and demo some of the latest products.
For proper vaccine temperature monitoring, the FlashLink 40527 Certified Vaccine Logger offers the gold standard. This product conforms to all CDC guidelines and is prequalified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a temperature monitoring device. The easy-to-read 40527 logger includes an external probe sealed in a 5ml glycol bottle designed to mimic the conditions vaccines experience.
For in-transit monitoring of vaccines and biologics, you might come by and see one of the new FlashLink® In-Transit RTL Mini Loggers. The compact RTL Mini Loggers include a built-in GSM chip to provide not only real-time temperature and humidity data but also the trip location.
And, certainly the ever-popular FlashLink Mini PDF In-Transit Logger will be on display. This product includes the unique, patented DeltaTrak Shadow Log feature and means that temperature data will still be recorded even if you forget to start the logger.
We look forward to seeing you at the BIO 2019 International Convention.